


Aira is a 56 years old man, he speaks english.
Aira has shoulder length black hair and brown eyes, his body is average, he is medium height and his weight is between 115 to 130 lbs.

A1TsAira777 says "Have you heared of word Immortality? therefore in front of you is the immortal one, been here for years and still love to flirt with you naughty guys .. Staying the looks, body, crazy humors, ability. Step inside my private paradise see it with your own naked two eyes. NO BS".

His turn-on: "I'm always a playful person, if you can ride my craziness, nastiness, bitchness then you can enter my team. Go with the flow with me and i am sure we will have a great time.".

A1TsAira777 charges 1.99 credits/min for his live private webcam show in his Livejasmin chat room.

A1TsAira777 was online 4 years and 11 months ago.

Last update: 2020-03-17 05:45:48 UTC
