


AylaJohn is a 47 years old lady, she speaks english and portuguese.
AylaJohn has long brown hair and brown eyes, her body is thin, she has average height and her weight is average.

AylaJohn is a 52 years old man, he speaks english and portuguese.
AylaJohn has short brown hair and green eyes, his body is , he has average height and his weight is average.

AylaJohn says "Welcome! Come on in, help me explore this beautiful, sexy, wild Brazilian woman.".

His turn-on: "We enjoy the ocean, beach, warmth of the sun, most everything outdoors. Enjoy sushi, Italian and Brazilian cuisine all with a glass of wine. Our sexual desires continue to increase, so trying new things is always exciting.".

AylaJohn charges 2.99 credits/min for his live private webcam show in his Livejasmin chat room.

AylaJohn was online 2 years and 4 months ago.

Last update: 2022-10-27 04:18:00 UTC
