


AylinAndMatheus is a 22 years old young woman, she speaks english and spanish.
AylinAndMatheus has short brown hair and brown eyes, her body is , she has average height and her weight is average.

AylinAndMatheus is a 22 years old young man, he speaks english and spanish.
AylinAndMatheus has short black hair and brown eyes, his body is , he has average height and his weight is average.

AylinAndMatheus says "We are a couple with a very good attitude to please you in whatever you want, a tall boy and a short girl, the best combination :)".

His turn-on: "We really like to have fun, please, we really like to interact with everyone and we hope to meet expectations".

AylinAndMatheus charges 2.49 credits/min for his live private webcam show in his Livejasmin chat room.

AylinAndMatheus was online 2 years and 9 months ago.

Last update: 2022-06-09 22:54:20 UTC
