


CrystalWhitestar is a 20 years old young woman, she speaks english.
CrystalWhitestar has long blonde hair and brown eyes, her body is athletic, she has average height and her weight is average.

CrystalWhitestar says "I've always liked feeling feminine. I never mind showing my daring sides, but the feeling that a confident man next to me will make me melt in your hands. If we are talking about my hobbies , I love dancing. I've always wanted to learn how to dance the tango with my partner, so that I can catch these glances and sparks between us♥♥♥".

Her turn-on: "I dream of being in the arms of an experienced partner,he should definitely be older than me. It would be wonderful to trust his knowledge, to follow the instructions that would lead to more pleasure!I would like to trust a real man who could take care of me".

CrystalWhitestar charges 0.98 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her Livejasmin chat room.

CrystalWhitestar was online 1 year and 8 months ago.

Last update: 2023-07-02 10:11:04 UTC
