


MadaileinSaito is a 30 years old woman, she speaks english.
MadaileinSaito has long black hair and brown eyes, her body is , she has average height and her weight is average.

MadaileinSaito says "Im a exotic, latin girl. That wants to meet a fabulous Gentlemen. I'm from colombia I'm so positive , energy I will contagious my love , i can be both personalitys your Bad and your sweet girl♥ wich one would you like to know ? :p".

Her turn-on: "The most Wonderfull part of the day it´s when i eat pizza, its my favorite dish. I love to play games, and visit new places. Also I love".

MadaileinSaito charges 3.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her Livejasmin chat room.

MadaileinSaito was online 1 year and 3 months ago.

Last update: 2023-12-13 16:31:00 UTC
