


MylieStone is a 19 years old young woman, she speaks english and spanish.
MylieStone has long brown hair and brown eyes, her body is , she has average height and her weight is average.

MylieStone says "I'm Mylie, I love shopping and cocking in my free time. I am very active, an optimist and I love to laugh lot, I'm sure you will be hypnotized by my smile. I have many fantasies and I'm sure you'll put my mind in motion with yours ✨".

Her turn-on: "I love ice cream and chocolate ".

MylieStone charges 1.99 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her Livejasmin chat room.

MylieStone was online 3 years and 3 months ago.

Last update: 2021-11-21 07:48:16 UTC
