


RayvenRouse is a 24 years old young woman, she speaks english and spanish.
RayvenRouse has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, her body is , she has average height and her weight is average.

RayvenRouse says "I `m not a common, I`m a lover of the powerful, of the strong, I like direct things, but, like everyone here, I motivated by what is ardent that generates passions, I am strong, but donĀ“t be a fool cause I can be very sensual...".

Her turn-on: "I like the man capable of doing things no matter how minimal they are and make him look interesting for his decisions and intelligence ".

RayvenRouse charges 2.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her Livejasmin chat room.

RayvenRouse was online 2 years and 1 month ago.

Last update: 2023-01-15 22:11:08 UTC
