


SydneyVankirk is a 24 years old young woman, she speaks english.
SydneyVankirk has shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes, her body is athletic, she has average height and her weight is average.

SydneyVankirk says "Hi I’m Syd. I’m an ex pro dancer, and hope to achieve my dream of being a computer engineer. I’m spunky, spontaneous and sweet. I’m kinda shy before you get to know me, but the shy ones are the ones you have to watch out for ;)".

Her turn-on: "I love walking my dogs, and going to the beach. Tanning is my most fave thing to do. I love to shop for the best shoes and get my nails and hair done. I am a coffee addict and would drink it night and day! ".

SydneyVankirk charges 1.99 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her Livejasmin chat room.

SydneyVankirk was online 4 years and 7 months ago.

Last update: 2020-08-01 02:51:00 UTC
